Development of biofuels, novel drugs, or an understanding of many illnesses such as cancer, Alzheimer's or other amyloid diseases, requires insight into the molecular machinery of cells. Systems biology obtains such insight from an analysis of the biological networks that describe the interaction and regulation of the various biomolecules. However, cellular processes are often controlled by transient interactions between ...
2018年4月2-3日,“气候变化下的城市防洪减灾”学术论坛(Smart Water for Smart City)在深圳南山区金百合大酒店召开。本次学术会议由中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院(下称深圳先进院)、香港科技大学、中国计算机学会深圳分部联合主办,由深圳先进院承办,深圳市水务局和香港大学协办。来自加拿大、中国大陆及香港地区的65名专家学者参与了本次会议...
中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院 粤ICP备09184136号-3 地址: 深圳市南山区西丽深圳大学城学苑大道1068号 邮编: 518055 联系电子邮箱: