Ling Yin      Ph.D.      Professor      Doctoral Supervisor

Research interests: Spatiotemporal data mining, Human mobility analysis and modelling, Spatially epidemic modelling, Space-time GIS, Transportation geography, Time geography, Urban computing

尹凌     博士     研究员     博士生导师

研究方法: 时空数据挖掘、人类移动性建模、传染病时空建模、地理信息系统研发
应用领域: 公共卫生、交通规划、城市管理
联系方式:中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院F栋11楼    邮 箱

  Based on social perception and spatial intelligence, develop computational and data science methods to model significant urban dynamics (disease transmission, human mobility, traffic flow, etc.). Study fundamental issues of dynamic computational urban science and practical applications on epidemic prevention, transportation planning, urban planning, emergency management, mobile Internet services and big data services. Focused on spatiotemporal modelling of infectious diseases coupled with population dynamics, our research aims to provide scientific-based decision support for precision epidemic prevention and control.


Ling Yin. Fine-grained Geographical Computation of Infectious Diseases Coupled with Population Dynamics. Kang Liu. Study on the Impact of the Initial Outbreak Location of Infectious Diseases on the Risk of Intra-urban Spatiotemporal Transmission.

2021--至今  研究员
2013--2020  副研究员
2011--2013  助理研究员
The University of Tennessee at Knoxville
南京大学    硕士
南京大学    学士

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