2020年9月13日,在第十五届International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems and Applications(WASA 2020)会议上中科院深圳先进技术研究院高性能中心张涌研究员团队的研究论文“Distributed Data Aggregation in Dynamic Sensor Networks”被评选为会议最佳论文。
WASA是中国计算机学会(CCF)推荐C类会议,一直致力于无线领域前沿的算法设计,系统构建和应用创新。WASA 2020共收到来自世界各地231篇论文投稿,最终接收67篇论文。
2020年5月7日, 许宜诚博士的博士后出站报告会在我中心顺利举行。许宜诚博士自2018年8月7日加入合作导师张涌研究员组以来,在站期间已发表一作及通讯论文6篇(第一作者5篇),其中,以第一作者撰写的论文“Online joint placement and allocation of virtual network functions with heterogeneous servers”在IEEE Internet of Things Journal上发表,影响因子9.5;同时,许博士近期在算法方面的工作被来自谷歌、哈佛大学、麻省理工、哥伦比亚大学、卡耐基梅隆大学等世界知名学者引用。在站期间获批国自然青年基金和中国博士后基金面上项目,合计直接经费31万,按计划完成了博士后科研任务,体现了其严谨的学风和较强的独立科研工作能力。经与会专家评议,一致认为许宜诚博士的研究工作达到了博士后出站要求,同意其出站。 在此对许宜诚博士表示祝贺!
A research team led by Prof. ZHANG Yong from the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has addressed the challenge of VNFs by designing a series of efficient algorithms. The study was published as an Editors' suggestion in IEEE Internet of Things Journal on April 27.
In this study, the researchers investigated an inclusive and provable well-defined online joint placement and allocation of VNFs with heterogeneous servers (OJPA-HS) model in the system. They found that this model was sufficiently general to extend several classical models for the joint placement and allocation of VNFs.
The researchers designed optimization strategies that extracted the properties of the network and the requests. These strategies were based on probabilistic decisions and deterministic decisions as well.
"On the one hand, the OJPA-HS was proved at least NP-hard, and an adversary instance indicated that it was even not possible to get a bounded performance guarantee. On the other hand, a provably best-possible deterministic online algorithm was presented," said Prof. ZHANG.
Furthermore, the researchers reduced the running time dramatically through Las Vegas randomized online algorithm (LV) with little loss of the performance. Moreover, if the ISPs failed to serve some requirements, another randomized algorithm, the Monte Carlo randomized algorithm (MC), was proposed.
More notably, MC outperformed LV in running time when the input data get large, and the fail rate was controllable by setting a particular parameter in MC. The space-complexity of both randomized algorithms was provably small.
The team corroborated the efficiency of the proposed algorithms through extensive numerical experiments. The results demonstrated that it could handle generalized networks with heterogeneous servers.
3位同学答辩结束后,答辩委员会召开内部会议,合议答辩结果,经评审,一致同意通过邬晶晶、徐杨杰、周阳同学的硕士学位论文答辩,建议授予工程硕士学位。 感谢张涌、宁立老师!他们治学严谨、要求严格,严把论文质量关,从论文撰写到论文答辩准备工作都始终从严要求,指导学生对论文进行反复修改和推敲,使学生毕业论文的质量得到了大幅度提高。祝贺邬晶晶、徐杨杰、周阳同学顺利通过答辩,希望他们在未来的工作岗位上继续努力,扬帆新征程!
邬晶晶同学硕士在读期间以第一作者身份在IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo Workshops发表题为“The fusion knowledge of face, body and context for emotion recognition”论文1篇;申请发明专利1项; 2019年荣获中国科学院大学“三好学生”称号。