• 2021年12月尹凌老师受邀担任中国现场统计研究会空间统计学会副理事长。
In December 2021, Lin Yin was invited to serve as the Vice President of the Committee of Spatial Statistics, Chinese Association for Applied Statistics.
• 2021年10月31日,GeoHealth Hub 与CPGIS依托CPGIS2021年年会“传染病专题会场”,聚焦传染病研究,联合推出线上学术沙龙活动。尹凌作题为“将细粒度人口流动纳入流行病模型”的报告。
On October 31, 2021, GeoHealth Hub and CPGIS jointly launched an online salon focusing on infectious disease research based on the "Infectious Disease Session" at CPGIS 2021 Annual Meeting. Ling Yin gave a presentation entitled "Integrating fine-grained human mobility into epidemic models".
尹凌老师带领团队荣获2021年度深圳市科学技术奖科技进步奖一等奖(社会公益类)。项目成果名称为“ 基于人员流动大数据的疫情精准防控关建技术与应用”。合作单位包括广东省疾控中心、深圳市疾控中心与深圳北斗应用技术研究院。
Ling Yin. Fine-grained Geographical Computation of Infectious Diseases Coupled with Population Dynamics. Kang Liu. Study on the Impact of the Initial Outbreak Location of Infectious Diseases on the Risk of Intra-urban Spatiotemporal Transmission.
From October 15th to 17th, 2021, the 17th China Geographic Information Science Theory and Method Academic Annual Conference was held in Hangzhou, China. Ling Yin attended the meeting and gave a special report on "Fine-grained Geographical Computation of Infectious Diseases Coupled with Population Dynamics", Liu Kang attended the meeting and gave a special report on "Study on the Impact of the Initial Outbreak Location of Infectious Diseases on the Risk of Intra-urban Spatiotemporal Transmission", Zhang Hao attended the meeting and made a special report on "Simulating the Intra-urban transmission of COVID-19:A Spatial Explicit Agent-based Model with Individual Trajectory Data".
Guikai Xi. Intra-urban Region-based Traffic Flow Prediction Based on Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network Enhanced by Spatial Context. In 29th ACM SIGSPATIAL 2021. Beijing, China.
2021年11月1日,第二十九届ACM SIGSPATIAL会议在中国北京举办。奚桂锴参会并作口头报告“基于空间语义增强的时空图卷积网络的城市区域内交通流预测”,获得会议最佳论文奖。
The 29th ACM SIGSPATIAL 2021 was held in Beijing, China on November 1st, 2021. Guikai Xi attended the meeting and gave an oral report entitled “Intra-urban Region-based Traffic Flow Prediction Based on Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network Enhanced by Spatial Context”, which won the Best Paper Award in the meeting.
尹凌老师荣获2021年“深圳市三八红旗手”称号。2021年3月8日,中国共产党成立100周年之际,深圳市南山区妇联在南山区妇女儿童活动中心举行了“学党史颂党恩 跟党走——百名巾帼献礼建党百年”活动。作为巾帼代表,尹凌老师进行了科研成长的分享,并表示:“今年是党的100周年,站在’两个一百年’的历史交汇点,身为科技工作者,使命光荣,责任重大。星光不负赶路人,我将不懈奋斗,以老一辈科学家为榜样,用科研助力智慧社会建设”。
由裴韬老师、Dr. Piotr A. Werner、尹凌老师、龚玺老师、Dr. Johannes H. Uhl客座编辑的Remote Sensing特刊正式征稿,主题为"Advances to GIS for Sensing of Earth and Human Interaction". 稿件提交截止日期为2021年11月30日."
由方志祥老师、尹凌老师、Dr. Jean-Claude Thill客座编辑的Remote Sensing特刊正式征稿,主题为" Human-Oriented Observation for Supporting Effective Decision-Making in Governance and Public Service". 稿件提交截止日期为2021年12月31日.
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