We are inviting new and unpublished papers on, but not limited to, the following topics:
Networking and Architectures: Multi/many-core architectures Interconnection networks Cluster, grid and cloud computing systems Network-on-chip architectures Survivable and safety-critical systems Ubiquitous computing systems Sensor, wireless and RFID systems Reconfigurable architectures Self-healing, self-protecting network systems
Algorithms and Applications: Combinatorial and graph algorithms Numeric algorithms Task mapping and job scheduling Parallel/distributed databases and knowledge discovery High-performance scientific computing Resource allocation and management Power-aware Computing Secure distributed computing Network routing and traffic control
Parallel Programming: Multi/many-core programming Parallel programming theory and models Formal methods and verification Middleware for parallel systems Parallel programming languages Parallel compilers and runtime systems Performance analysis, debugging and optimization Parallel libraries and application frameworks
High Performance Systems: Operating systems for parallel/distributed systems High-performance computer arithmetic Memory hierarchy and caching Performance tuning, optimization and profiling Human-computer interaction in parallel/distributed systems Photonic and quantum computing Media computing in parallel/distributed systems Software engineering for parallel/distributed system
Privacy and Security: Cloud security Data privacy protection Cryptography Intrusion detection Copyright protection Access control Data provenance Trusted computing
Big Data Processing and Deep Learning: Mass data stream processing in clouds Big data models and computation theory Big data mining and fusion Dimension reduction for large data sets Big data placement, scheduling and optimization Multi-source data processing and integration Deep learning models Deep learning applications